SNOOKER | McBride and Callan crowned Commercial Club doubles winners

Aaron Callan and Steve McBride, Commercial Club Summer Snooker League doubles winners

The doubles final in the Peadar Callan Commercial Club Summer Snooker League took place on Monday night where Aaron Callan and Steve McBride took on Mickey Ralph and JJ McArdle.

Frame one in this best of five match saw Mickey and Justin fly out of the traps, justifying their favourite status to make it 1–0 on the night.

McBride and Callan never got going in the opening frame but a fist pump and a little word in each other’s ear proved to be the catalyst of what was to unfold.

Frame two saw Mickey and Justin start off well but Aaron got his team back into the frame with a fine break of 23. It was very much nip and tuck for the remainder of the frame and with pink and black left, Mickey and JJ had a five-point lead.

Callan, however, played some great stuff after that and when JJ failed to get out of a snooker it left Callan and McBride one point ahead.

McBride potted a great pink but missed the black, leaving Ralph with the opportunity to force a re-spotted black which he did with ease.

Mickey Ralph and JJ McArdle, runners-up in the Commercial Club Summer Snooker League doubles final

Callan and McBride won the toss and Ralph attempted a safety off the black. However, he left McBride a tempter and in what proved to be the turning point of the match, McBride potted the black to make it 1–1.

Frame three saw Callan and McBride with the wind in their sails and they played some great snooker to go 2–1 ahead in the contest and leave Mickey and JJ with it all to do.

Callan and McBride continued to dominate in the fourth match. With the frame down to colours, McBride potted the yellow to put them 27 ahead with 25 points available, leaving Mickey and JJ in bad need of snookers.

JJ, however, played some wonderful snooker to leave Callan in trouble and he failed to get out of it meaning Ralph and JJ were suddenly back in it.

Ralph had to try and force the green in with pace to gain position on the brown but the pace on the shot meant the green rattled into the pocket.

This afforded McBride the chance to put the match to bed and he duly did to crown Aaron Callan and Steve McBride this year’s doubles winners.

The Peadar Callan Commercial Club Summer Snooker League concludes on Wednesday night with the league final between Team Thompson and Team Ralph ahead of the presentation night on Wednesday, September 20th.

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