SNOOKER | Commercial Club honour the late Peadar Callan

Summer League renamed in local player’s honour

The late Peadar Callan

Everybody at the Dundalk Snooker League was shocked to hear of the sudden passing of Peadar Callan last week, a gentleman and friend to everyone in the Commercial Club.

As a mark of respect, The Commercial Club Summer Snooker League has been renamed the Peadar Callan Summer Snooker League with the trophy renamed the Peadar Callan Memorial Trophy.

A minute’s silence was held before all of last week’s matches where JJ McArdle’s team recorded a 3–1 win over Alan Thompson’s team after a great game of snooker.

Alan Thompson in action at the Commercial Club Snooker League

Stephen O’Hanlon’s team kept up their good run of form by beating Paddy Hayes’ team 3–1 with Dominic O’Connor sinking a great black in the decider.

In the final match of the week, Mickey Ralph’s team remain top of the league after a superb 3–1 win over Brendan O’Hanlon’s team.

James Coburn and Justin McArdle pictured before the Commercial Club pool final

The final of the pool competition was also played last week with Justin McArdle facing his old teammate James Coburn in a great advertisement for the local pool scene. After it was all said and done, it was James who won the final on a scoreline of 6–4.

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