RUGBY | Dundalk RFC stars selected in NE Leinster development side

L-R: Dundalk RFC players Meadhbh O’Callaghan, Sadhbh McDonnell, Zoe Valentine, Orlagh Conway, Caoimhe Kampes and Niamh Belton who were part of the Leinster North East U18 development team that played in Mullingar on Monday

Dundalk RFC players Meadhbh O’Callaghan, Sadhbh McDonnell, Zoe Valentine, Orlagh Conway, Caoimhe Kampes and Niamh Belton were rewarded for their fine performances this season by being named in the Leinster North East U18 development squad.

The development squad, made up of players from Dundalk, Ardee, Boyne and Navan made the trip to Mullingar on Monday where they played their first game against two midlands teams.

The best of North East rugby put on a great display of rugby and the girls showed some great skills and should be very proud of their performance.

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