POOL | Hurricane Ophelia causes havoc to this week’s Pool League programme

There were only two cup games played in the Tuborg Dundalk Pool League this week due to the adverse weather conditions from Hurricane Ophelia.

Des Denning Cup

In the Des Denning Cup, Division Two side Bennett’s played Division One outfit Commercial Exiles.

Several of the Exiles team played on the Castle Bar Baize side that won the competition last year.

In the first game, Paul Ruane produced a superb six-ball clearance against Benny McAleavey to win the opening frame.

Benny replied with a five-ball clearance of his own to level the scores and in a tactical decider it was Paul who eventually won the frame to put the Exiles 1–0 ahead.

The second match featured Alan Gartlan and Liam Johnston and this was a real attacking encounter which saw Liam win the opening frame only for Alan to record a five-ball clearance in the next to level the match.

In the decider, it was Liam who got the first chance and he duly cleared the table to put the Exiles 2–0 ahead.

Things weren’t looking good for Bennett’s when Stephen McBride won the opening frame in the third match for the Exiles but Ryan Sherry recovered to win the next two frames to leave Bennett’s trailing 2–1.

In the fourth match, Glen Duffy won the opening match for the Exiles but Owen Myles responded to win the next two frames and level the match at 2–2.

Again, in the fifth match, the Exiles won the opening frame when Maddy Hoey produced an excellent five-ball clearance.

However, Paul Kehoe, making his first start of the season soon settled and he won the next two frames to put Bennett’s 3–2 ahead.

In the last match, Brendan Sherry was on top form when he beat Andrew Mundow 2–0 to complete a superb 4–2 win for Bennett’s.

Tuborg Cup

In the Tuborg Cup, there was an all Division Two clash when Harry’s Heroes entertained Rosewood Windmill.

Gussie Hearty won the opening frame for the visitors but Michael Fee responded in style to win the next two frames and put Harry’s 1–0 ahead.

Michael McAlester recovered from losing the opening frame against Eamonn Boyle to win his match 2–1, moving Harry’s 2–0 ahead.

Richie Keeley continued his good run of form when he beat Tommy O’Hare 2–0 to leave the Rosewood trailing 2–1.

However, Martin Hayes then won the match for Harry’s when he beat Rosewood captain Tony Bellew 2–0 to complete a 4–1 victory for Harry’s.

Don O’Brien beat Paul Mulholland 2–1 in the final match.

Tuborg Dundalk Pool League Fixtures

Monday, October 23rd

Blue Anchor v Uncle Tom’s Cream
Commercial Exiles v Avenue Rovers
Castle Bar Rejects v Commercial Classico’s
Avenue Warriors v Mrs Soraghan’s Boys
Uncle Tom’s Heroes v Rosewood Windmill
Commercial Destroyers v Cluskey’s
Bennett’s v Avenue Avengers
Ferguson’s v Harry’s Heroes
Sean’s Tavern v Boylesports

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