POOL | Castle Bar Baize clinch Des Denning Cup

McQuillan crowned Division Two Masters winner

The final of the Des Denning Cup took place in the Castle Bar last week featuring the Castle Bar Baize and Avenue Rovers.

Conor McDonnell played Wayne Rogers in the opening match and Conor took full advantage of mistakes by Wayne in both frames to put the Baize 1–0 ahead.

The second game was between Matthew Hoey and Paul Kelly and just when it looked likely that Paul was going to clear the table the white ball went into the pocket.

This gave Matthew his chance and he potted his five remaining colours and the black to win the first frame. Paul responded in the second frame with a superb six-ball clearance to level the match at 1–1.

In the decider, Matthew got the first opportunity to win the frame only to run out of position on the black, giving Paul a chance to win the frame.

Paul potted three yellows but then he run out of position on his second last ball and in attempting a long pot he missed to leave Matthew an easy pot on the black to put the Baize 2–0 ahead.

The third match featured Paul Ruane and Rovers captain Pat Brady. In a tactical first frame, it was Paul who eventually potted the black to lead 1–0. In the second frame, Pat cleared the table after getting two shots to send the game into a deciding frame.

The decider proved to be another tactical affair and this time it was Pat who potted the black to leave the overall score 2–1 in favour of the Baize.

The fourth match was between the Baize captain Liam Johnston and John Dugdale. The first frame was scrappy and when Liam did get a chance he finished the frame to lead 1–0. John had a superb seven-ball clearance in the next frame to level his match at 1–1.

In the decider, John got the first chance only to run out of position on the black ball. This gave Liam a chance only for him to run out of position on his last colour.

After thinking about what shot to play, Liam eventually potted an excellent double and then the black to put the Baize 3–1 ahead.

The fifth match featured Stephen McBride and Alan Thompson and the players shared the first two frames to send the game to a deciding frame.

In the decider, Stephen had a chance to win the cup for the Baize only to miss a long black to the corner pocket. This gave Alan his chance and he cleared the table to win his match 2–1 and send the match into a sixth game.

In the sixth match, Tiernan Mallon played Stephen Gorham and Stephen recorded a superb five-ball clearance to win the opening frame for Rovers.

In the second frame, Tiernan cleared the table when Stephen made a mistake to level his game at 1–1.

In the decider, Stephen got the first chance and in potting all of his colours he could only play safe on the black. Unfortunately for him, in playing safe the white ball went into the pocket and with two shots, Tiernan cleared the table to win the Des Denning Cup for Castle Bar Baize.

Division Two Masters

In the Division Two Masters played in the Windmill, Bryan Crowe played Davy Moran in the first semi final and it was Davy who was on top form as he completed a 3–0 victory to book his place in the final.

In the second semi final, David McQuillan played Michael McAlister and this time it was David who was on top form as he completed a 3–0 victory.

The final between Davy Moran and David McQuillan was again played over the best of five frames and in the first frame David had an excellent six-ball clearance to lead 1–0. Davy replied with a five-ball clearance to level the match at 1–1. The next frame was a tactical frame and eventually it was David who potted the black to lead 2–1. In the next frame David racked up a seven-ball clearance to claim the Division Two Masters title.

Upcoming fixtures

Monday, May 15th

Individual semi final
Avenue Inn — 8pm
Michael Ralph v Paul Kelly
Best of 11 frames

Tuborg Cup Final
Avenue Inn — 9pm
Avenue Avengers v Avenue Rovers

Tuesday, May 16th

Individual semi final
Avenue Inn — 7pm
Martin Ferrigan v Pat Brady

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