MMA | Team Torres teenager blazes his way to gold medal in adult section

Sixteen-year-old Martin does his club and town proud!

Team Torres’ Martin O’Donnachada pictured with his gold medal

Sixteen-year-old Team Torres Brazilian Jiu Jitsu student Martin O’Donnachada did his club and town proud at the weekend, winning a gold medal in the adult under-75kg division in Portarlington.

Competing at the Midlands Open NoGi Submission competition — organised by professional MMA fighter Philip ‘The Honey Badger’ Mulpeter — Martin arrived in Co Laois to find that his Dublin opponent in the teenage section was a no show.

With nobody to compete against, Martin requested to enter the adult section instead and the event organiser thankfully obliged.

Dundalk Torres
Congratulations to our teenage student Martin Og on Winning the Adult Under 75Kg division today at the Midlands Open…

In his first fight, Martin faced off against a 28-year-old Dubliner, coached by former UFC fighter, Paddy ‘The Hooligan’ Holohan.

Martin dominated the fight from the opening seconds and dispatched his opponent in a little over three minutes, which allowed him to progress to the final.

A fighter from an Athlone MMA club, seven years his elder, stood in Martin’s way but the Dundalk teenager won in extra time to secure a fantastic gold medal.

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