MMA | Silver medal for Team Torres’ O’Murchu in Wicklow

Ruairi O’Murchu pictured with his silver medal

Team Torres member Ruairí O’Murchu took home a well deserved silver from the Leinster Open in Greystones, Co Wicklow last weekend.

Competing in the Under-74kg division, Ruairí enjoyed early success with his favourite submission, the ‘Guillotine Choke’.

Coming up against his opponent in the final, Ruairi went agonisingly close to submitting his opponent on two occasions with the choke, but his opponent dug deep and somehow managed to tough it out.

Not one to give up, Ruairí pursued submission options until the final bell but was ultimately edged out on points and had to settle for silver.

Congratulation also to Aaron Conroy who trains regularly with Team Torres and took home a gold medal.

Team Torres provides classes tailored especially for beginners. More details can be found on the club’s Facebook page.

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