Matthews helps himself to a hat trick as Finbarrs see off Hunterstown

Naomh Fionnbarra 3–9 Hunterstown Rovers 1–11

Played in calm, cold conditions in Darver on Friday night, Naomh Fionnbarra recorded a good win over Hunterstown Rovers in the third round of the Paddy Sheelan Cup.

Hunterstown made the brighter start and got the first score but the Finbarrs gradually worked their way into the game.

The Togher men got on the scoresheet via an early goal after a high ball caused confusion in the Hunterstown full back line and full forward Gary Matthews was on hand to finish the ball into the empty net.

A number of points for the Barrs followed as the mid-Louth side had no answer to the pressure from the Togher men and their workrate.

Scorers in the first half included Jack Butterly with three classy points, the Osborne brothers, Hugh and Conor, and Pádraig Butterly with a well taken effort.

Square man Gary Matthews was on hand again towards the end of the half to fist home a goal and pile further misery on Rovers.

Hunterstown were only able to muster a single point in reply at the other end as the Finbarrs defence was very solid and managed to break up plenty of attacks. At half time, Naomh Fionnbarra took a commanding 2–7 to 0–2 lead in at the break.

After what was probably a good dressing down by their manager at half time, Hunterstown upped it a gear in the second half and tacked on a number of points along with a goal as the Barrs struggled to regain their momentum.

Jack Butterly, however, was still on fire and scored another fine point to add to the Barrs’ lead once again.

This was followed up by another goal as Matthews finished with aplomb with his left peg to complete a hat trick and give the Togher men the breathing space they needed.

Matthews was set up by Butterly who received a quick ball into the full forward line after the midfield and forwards turned over a Hunterstown kick out.

Hunterstown scored a few more points but couldn’t get back on level terms and Nicholas Butterly rounded off the scoring with a point off the post for the Finbarrs while at the other end, Bernard Osborne produced another fine save.

The Barrs were well served by a solid keeper and full back line, a hard running half back line, both midfielders who battled hard throughout along with hard working forwards who kicked some good points.

However, the undoubted star of the show was no other than hat-trick hero Gary Matthews!

NAOMH FIONNBARRA: Bernard Osborne; Hugh McGrane, Kieran Lenihan, Michael McGrane; Bryan Sharkey, Óisín McGee, Pádraig Butterly (0–1); John Doyle, Patrick McGrane; Hugh Osborne (0–2), Conor Osborne (0–1, 1f), Nicholas Butterly (0–1); Jack Butterly (0–4), Gary Matthews (3–0), Máirtín Murphy. Subs: Pádraic Murphy for M Murphy, Chris McGlynn for N Butterly.

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