LADIES GAA | This weekend’s fixtures

There are fixtures across all three divisions in the Louth Ladies League over the Easter weekend with games taking place on Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday.

Friday, April 14th — 7.30pm

Louth Ladies League Division One

St Fechin’s v Geraldines, Ref: Paul Finnegan Sr

Louth Ladies League Division Two

Naomh Fionnbarra v Glyde Rangers, Tommy McEnteggart

Louth Ladies League Division Three

Newtown Blues B v Mattock Rangers, Ref: Rory McCullough

Sunday, April 16th — 11am

Louth Ladies League Division One

Roche Emmets v Newtown Blues, Ref: TBC

Louth Ladies League Division Two

Kilkerley Emmets v Glyde Rangers, Ref: Paul Drumm
Naomh Mairtin v Dreadnots, Ref: Finton Levins
St Patrick’s v St Kevin’s, Ref: Colin Halligan

Monday, April 17th — 7pm

Louth Ladies League Division One

St Brides v Stabannon Parnells, Ref: John Murphy

Louth Ladies League Division Two

Geraldines v Naomh Fionnbarra, Ref: Noel Hand

Tuesday, April 18th — 7pm

Clan na Gael v Newtown Blues B, Ref: Gerry Malone

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