LADIES GAA | Historic day as four McNally sisters line out for Stabannon Ladies

Ciara joins Ruth, Laura and Rachel on the pitch against Cooley

The McNally sisters, Ruth, Laura, Rachel and Ciara who made history by becoming the first four sisters to play at senior level for Stabannon Ladies on Sunday last

Sunday, April 30th was a special day for Stabannon Parnells GFC as the McNally sisters from Castlebellingham made history during the club’s Louth Ladies League Division One game with Cooley Kickhams.

Sisters Ruth, Laura and Rachel all started the game against the peninsula outfit but, with 20 minutes to go, the youngest of the McNally sisters, Ciara, came on to make her debut for the club’s senior team.

This is one occasion that will be written into the Stabannon Parnells history books and no doubt will also be remembered by the McNally family and especially parents Johnny and Marion for many years to come.

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