KRAV MAGA | Local Krav Maga students preparing for upcoming grading

Members of Dundalk Krav Maga School Of Self Defence pictured at a previous grading session

Local Krav Maga students will participate in a national grading on Sunday, April 30th at the Dundalk Krav Maga School Of Self Defence.

Each student has trained hard for six months under black belt Krav Maga instructor Anthony Cunnane at their full time school situated on The Ramparts.

Krav Maga teaches people how to defend themselves against unwarranted and vicious attacks. Some of the training involves knife, impact weapon and gun defence as well as grappling, takedowns and ground fighting.

A big aspect of Krav Maga training involves situational awareness training along with defence and escape from multiple attackers’ scenarios.

Grading will be conducted by expert four and global team member Marcin Fiodorow and local head Instructor Anthony Cunnane.

For more information on joining the Dundalk Krav Maga School Of Self Defence you can call 0851114604 or visit the club’s Facebook page.

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