KARATE | Team DK members in good form at WKFI Ireland League

Youngsters building up for international event

Dundalk Karate members George Tsikoudakis, Franciszek Chmielecki and Liam Hoey with some of the medals won at the recent second leg of the WKFI Ireland League

Dundalk Karate members George Tsikoudakis, Franciszek Chmielecki and Liam Hoey travelled to Rathcoole for the second leg of the WKFI Ireland League recently.

Franciszek and Liam, along with fellow Dundalk Karate Cadet member, Catherine Marcus, have been selected for an international competition which takes place in a couple of weeks so this event proved to be more than a useful workout.

The aim of the league is to not only provide a friendly environment for beginners to experience karate competitions, but to also give competitors, regardless of age, ability or experience, some valued tatami time, whether it be in Kata (form) or Kumite (sparring).

Speaking afterwards, Head of Dundalk Karate, Sensei Mary Marcus said: “It is always great to see members of Dundalk Karate take advantage of every opportunity to not only compete, but to travel to different clubs and interact with our extended karate family which seems to be growing every year.

Dundalk Karate members Franciszek Chmielecki, Liam Hoey and George Tsikoudakis pictured at the second leg of the WKFI Ireland League

“Team DK did brilliantly at the league and to see everyone encouraging each other, whether they are from the same club or not, is what it’s all about.

Congratulations to all members who competed,” she added. “All medals that were won today were well deserved and a result of each member’s dedication to their continuous training.”

Dundalk Karate currently train every Monday and Thursday evening in the Redeemer Family Resource Centre where they welcome new members regardless of age or ability.

Dundalk Karate are taking part in CARA’s, Fit4All National Week from May 8th-14th where anyone with a disability and their families/carers can go along and avail of FREE Classes on Monday and/or Thursday.

If you would like any further information on Dundalk Karate why not contact Sensei Mary Marcus 2nd Dan on 086 353 1625 or by emailing

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