GOLF | Lambe takes the President’s Prize at Mannan Castle

Mannan Castle President’s Prize Winner Mark Lambe with President John Hanratty

The timesheet was full to the brim for President John Hanratty’s Prize at Mannan Castle Golf on Sunday.

John was joined by family and friends from around the country for his big weekend and it was great to see that the Nine-Hole Sunday evening play-off still draws a crowd to the club.

Those who didn’t make the play-off came to watch the 12 finalists who battled it out for the Presidents Cup.

Left: Brianan Kingham (third place lady) with President John Hanratty. Right: Laura Corr (second place lady) with President John Hanratty
Val Donoghue (third place) with President John Hanratty
Left: Gross Prize winner Ronan O’Callaghan with President John Hanratty. Right: Runner-up Alex Hanneffy with President John Hanratty
Left: Mary Cassidy (winning lady) with President John Hanratty. Right: Peter Marron (Leading Qualifier winner) with President John Hanratty

This year’s President’s play-off didn’t disappoint with a mix of ages and handicaps involved, including three single digit handicappers and a scratch golfer.

It was single digit Mark Lambe who won the 2017 President’s Prize with an overall 27 hole score of 56 points.

Results of President John Hanratty’s Prize — 1st: Mark Lambe (2) 56; 2nd: Alex Hanneffy (4) 55; Gross: Ronan O’Callaghan 51; 3rd: Val Donoghue (20) 55; Leading Qualifier: Peter Marron (2) 38; Ladies 1st: Mary Cassidy (15) 35; Ladies 2nd: Laura Corr (12) 34; Ladies 3rd: Brianan Kingham 33.

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