GOLF | Judy claims PGA Tankard competition at Dundalk Ladies

Back L-R: Mary A McDonnell, Mary McGinnity, Geraldine Minogue, Marylou Grennan, Marie MacKell. Front L-R: Judy McDonough (winner), Michael Cumiskey (PGA), Lady Captain Maeve Ahern

A PGA Tankard 18 Hole Stableford competition was held by Dundalk Ladies on Saturday, May 27th and Tuesday, May 30th.

Congratulations to Judy McDonough, the overall winner, who came in with a fantastic score of 38 points. Judy will represent the club away, playing with Leslie Walker the club professional.

At the presentation evening, Lady Captain Maeve thanked Michael Cumiskey from the PGA for the generous sponsorship.

Results of the PGA Tankard 18 Hole Stableford competition

Overall 1st: Judy McDonough (26) 38; Class A 1st: Marie MacKell (19) 34; 2nd: Mary Lou Grennan (16) 33; 3rd: Anne McDonnell (19) 32; Class B 1st: Evelyn Fallon (27) 36; 2nd: Ger Minogue (20) 35; 3rd: Mary A McDonnell (25) 34; Class C 1st: Mary McGinnity (31) 35; 2nd: Anne Mundow (31) 33/12; 3rd: Mary Burlingham (33) 33; Two’s competition — 13th: Rosarie O’Donoghue; 17th: Deirdre Ryan. A total of 132 ladies played. CSS: Saturday 35 points and Tuesday 75 (34 points)

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