GOLF | Get Into Golf winners receive their prizes at Greenore Ladies

The Get Into Golf winners at Greenore Ladies pictured with their prizes. Included are: Una McGoey, Alison Malone, Maureen McCartan and Monica Pagni

The Get into Golf ladies had their prize presentation evening at Greenore Ladies recently.

The winners were as follows — 1st: Una McGoey; 2nd: Alison Malone, 3rd: Maureen McCartan, 4th: Monica Pagni.

The Open Day winner on September 1st was Kathryn Johnston (Ashbourne GC) with 35 points while the runner-up was Kay McCartan with 33 points.

Noreen Crichton made a double of it on Saturday, September 3rd by winning the Roslin Cup and the Past Lady Captain’s Cup with 35 points. The runner-up was Clodagh McCarthy with 34 while Aideen McGahon was third on 33.

The five-hole GIG ladies competition was won by Maureen McCartan with 10 points with the runner-up Josie O’Doherty on nine. This was also the first week of their nine-week league.

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