GOLF | Father and son combos scoop prize at Peadar’s Captain’s Day

Society gearing up for its 25th anniversary

Paddy Gray, Anton Martin and Conor Martin, the winning team at the Peadar’s Golf Society Captain’s Day at Knightsbrook Golf Club in Trim celebrate their win. Absent from the picture is Pat Gray

Peadar’s Golf Society captain Michael McKeown led the members on what has now become the annual Captain’s Day Out at Knightsbrook Golf Club in Trim, Co Meath on Saturday.

Michael personally drove the bus over on Saturday and ensured that everybody got back safely by lunchtime Sunday.

A total of 36 members travelled on what turned out to be an extremely successful outing. The sun shone on the day and temperatures more associated with the Mediterranean prevailed. At one point the thermometer reached 26 degrees!

The hot scoring matched the weather but one team emerged victorious in the shape of father and son combination, Pat and Paddy Gray, along with Anton and Conor Martin who pipped the other father and son combination team of Sean and Kevin Gordon, Peter Lynn and Paul Tobin by one shot.

The other prize winners on the day were as follows — Nearest the Pin: Gerry Byrne (3rd) and Gerry Hanratty (18th); Longest Drive: Pat Gray; Shortest Drive: Pat Murnaghan.

25-Year Celebration

The next society outing is a very special day of golf at Dundalk Golf Club when the society celebrates 25 years since its foundation.

All members past and present are invited to participate on the day and to attend a social evening on the night in ‘The Big House’ in Anne Street.

The tee is booked from 2pm-4pm on Friday, July 14th. Contact any committee member to secure a place.

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