GOLF | Cotter hits a hole-in-one at first Open Week of the season at Dundalk

May 20th: Open Fourball. L-R: Sponsor Derek Murdock (National Tile), Clem Walsh and Paul O’Reilly (winners) and Captain Mickey Coburn. PICTURE: BRIAN HOPPER

The first Open Week of the season at Dundalk Golf Club proved to be very successful with many visitors availing of the opportunity to test themselves over the revamped layout which is bedding in well and has attracted a lot of favourable comment.

The week finished on Sunday with a Singles Stableford competition which was won by Greg McCaughey (10). He shot 41 points and took top prize on countback from Stephen English (12) with Stephen Haughey (16) a further shot back.

Saturday’s Fourball Stableford resulted in a win for Clem Walshe (4) and Paul O’Reilly (16) while Thursday’s Team Event was won by Gerry O’Keefe, Declan Muckian, Danny Kelleher and C Costelloe.

Left: May 18th: Four Person Team Event. L-R: Sponsor Pat Flanagan (Flananan Motors), Gerry O’Keeffe (winning team representative) and Captain Mickey Coburn. Right: May 21st: Open Scotch Mixed Foursomes. L-R: Lady Captain Maeve Ahern, Larry and Mary Steen (winners) and Captain Mickey Coburn. PICTURES: BRIAN HOPPER

Conor Curran (3), with 40 points, won Wednesday’s Singles Stableford and Dessie Ward (14) won on Monday with a score of 41.

The most notable feat of the week went to long-time member Donal Cotter who claimed the first hole-in-one of his career on Wednesday when he aced the par three fifth.

Dundalk Golf Club would like to thank all the businesses who so generously sponsored the Open Week competitions.

Open Week Results

Results of the Open Singles Stableford, sponsored by Specsavers on May 21st — Overall: Gregory McCaughey (10) 41/24, Stephen English (12) 41, Stephen Haughey (16) 40/21/13/7, Gross: Brendan Lawlor (3) 35, Category One: Martin Crosby (8) 39, Category Two: Phil Holland (12) 37/20, Category Three (17–28): Eamonn Arthur (21) 40, Juvenile: Zak Alderdice (15) 40. CSS: 36.

Results of the Fourball Stableford, sponsored by National Tile on May 20th — Clem Walshe (4) and Paul O’Reilly (16) 46/25, John McKeever (12) and JP Casey (16) 46/23/18, J Sheridan (11) (Gorey) and Eddie Sheridan (13) 46.

Left: May 17th: Singles 18 Hole Open Stableford. L-R: Sponsor Martin McCaughey (McCaughey Homes), Conor Curran (winner) and Captain Mickey Coburn. Right: May 15th: 18 Hole Open Stableford Competition. L-R: Sponsor Eamonn Traynor (The Bayview Lounge and Bar) with Dessie Ward (winner) and Captain Mickey Coburn

Results of the Four Man Team Event, sponsored by Flanagan Motors on May 18th — 92: Gerry O’Keefe (13), Declan Muckian (14), Danny Kelleher (10), C Costelloe (7), 90: Dessie Ward (13), Declan Ward (20), Ollie English (12), Gareth Duffy (5).

Results of the Open Singles Stableford, sponsored by McCaughey Homes on May 17th — Overall: Conor Curran (3) 40, Ciaran Daly (18) 39/20, Martin Mills (12) (Mannan Castle) 39/20/13/6, Gross: Caolan Rafferty (+3) 39, Category One: Neil Murphy (9) 39, Category Two: Bernard Crombie (14) 38, Category Three: G Rice (28) (Enniscorthy) 38/19, CSS 36.

Results of the Open Singles Stableford, sponsored by The Bayview Lounge and Bar on May 15th — Overall: Dessie Ward (14) 41, Michael O’Keeffe (17) 39/19/11/5, Jim Rowland (12) 39, Seniors Prize (Over 50): Declan Muckian (15) 39/19/13, Best Gross: Jim Caraher (7) 29/14, CSS: 37.

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