GOLF | Competitions coming thick and fast at Dundalk Ladies

Winners at the Specsavers sponsored Open Four Lady Team Event played at Dundalk Ladies. Back L-R: Mary M McDonnell, Angela Kilboy, Sally McDonnell, Daphne Boyle, Oonagh Quinn, Geraldine McGeough, Mary Reilly, Mary Carthy, Ita Dempsey, Joan Corrigan. Front L-R: Bernie Kellett and Linda McKeown (Specsavers), Lady Captain Maeve Ahern, Aaron Rea (Specsavers)

The Specsavers sponsored Open Four Lady Team Event played at Dundalk Ladies on May 23rd was a huge success with 163 ladies participating.

Conditions were perfect and the scoring was fantastic with the winning team recording a superb score of 96 points.

A total of 163 ladies played with members from Ardee, Co Louth, Delgany, Donabate, Greenore, Headford, Laytown/Bettystown, Lucan, Warrenpoint and Westmanstown in action.

At the presentation, Lady Captain Maeve Ahern thanked Specsavers for their very generous sponsorship.

Results of the Specsavers sponsored Open Four Lady Team Event played at Dundalk Ladies on May 23rd — 1st: Oonagh Quinn (32), Sally McDonnell (29), Mary M McDonnell (34), Daphne Boyle (34) 96; 2nd: Mary Carthy(14), Mary Reilly(19), Ita Dempsey(23), Geraldine McGeough (23) 91; 3rd: Olive Jones (22) Geraldine Hoare (24), Joan Corrigan (19), Angela Kilboy (29) 88; Nine Hole Competition 1st: Anne Kirk (30) 11; Two’s Competition — Mary M McDonnell, Niamh Maguire, Mary Sinton, Anne McArdle, Mary Lou Grennan, Elaine Ward (5th); Diane Arthur, Geraldine McGeough, P Mahoney (9th); Grainne Dunne (13th); Betty Rogers, Jennifer Holland (17th).

Open Singles 18 Hole Stableford | May 19th

Winners of the McDonough Breen competition at Dundalk Ladies. Back L-R: Kay O’Sullivan, Oonagh Quinn, Niamh Maguire, Pauline Murphy, Fiona McLoughlin. Mary Rowley. Front L-R: Ann Hopper, Niall Breen (sponsor), Lady Captain Maeve Ahern

An Open Singles 18 Hole Stableford was held on Friday, May 19th, sponsored by McDonough Breen.

The overall winner, Ann Hopper, played superb golf to record a great score of 39 points. Ann received a beautiful prize, presented by Paddy Breen in memory of his son Conor who passed away recently. Congratulations to Ann.

Ann was followed closely by Mia Quinn who also had 39 points and a gross score of 32. This is fantastic scoring from Mia, who plays off seven.

Niamh Maguire was runner up in Class A with a great score of 37 while Pauline Murphy won Class B with 37. It was lovely to see Pauline In the winning enclosure. Congratulations to all the winners.

At the presentation evening, sponsors Paddy Breen and his grandson, Niall Breen, were welcomed by Lady Captain Maeve who thanked them for their generous sponsorship.

Maeve sympathised with the family on the loss of Conor and thanked them for the beautiful prizes. She explained how McDonough Breen have been sponsors since 2011 and the ladies section are so appreciative of their support.

Results of the Open Singles 18 Hole Stableford, held on Friday, May 19th, sponsored by McDonough Breen — 1st: Anne Hopper (14) 39; Class A 1st: Mia Quinn (7) 39; 2nd: Niamh Maguire (18) 37; Gross: R Brady, Co Louth(4) 28; Class B 1st: Pauline Murphy (21) 37; 2nd: Mary Rowley,Ardee(25) 37/18; 3rd: Fiona McLoughlin (25) 35; Class C 1st: Oonagh Quinn (32) 32; 2nd: Leone Baillie (30) 31; 3rd: Eithne Dowling, Greenore (29) 31/10; Nine Hole Competition 1st: Kay O’Sullivan (32) 13; Twos — S Nelson (5th); Briege Renaghan, Jennifer Holland and Olivia Cunningham (9th). CSS: 74/35.

Open Two Lady Team Event | May 16th

Winners of the competition sponsored by Colorcode at Dundalk Ladies. Back L-R: Kate Smyth, Louise Lynn, Jacinta Foran, Ann Doohan, Ide McDermott, Mary McGinnity. Front L-R: Claire O’Reilly (Colorcode), Lady Captain Maeve Ahern, Jenny Clarke (Colorcode)

There was also an Open Two Lady Team Event held on May 16th, kindly sponsored by Colorcode Hairdressing.

The overall winners, Louise Lynn and Kate Smyth, had an unbeatable score of 50 points. Well done to all.

At the presentation evening, supported by a large group of ladies, Lady Captain Maeve welcomed Claire and Jenny from Colorcode and thanked them for their generous sponsorship and support.

A total of 146 ladies played with members from Mannan Castle, Headfort, Ardee, Greenore, Castlebar, Rossmore and Nuremore taking part.

Results of the Open Two Lady Team Event, held on May 16th, sponsored by Colorcode Hairdressing — 1st: Louise Lynn(18) and Kate Smyth (25) 50; 2nd: Mary McGinnity (31) and Ide McDermott (22) 45/23; 3rd: Anne Doohan (20) and Jacinta Foran (15) 45/21; Two’s — Juliette Morrison, Angela McBride (5th); Lesley O’Keeffe, Catherine Duff (9th); Bernie McCabe (13th).

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