GOLF | Club Round-Up
Dundalk Ladies, Ardee Golf Club, Nuremore Golf Club

Dundalk Ladies
An 18 Hole Stableford Competition took place at Dundalk Ladies on Saturday the 8th and Tuesday, April 11th. The scoring was extremely good with Maureen Sheridan winning Class A with a superb score of 38 points.
Mary Thornton was also on top form, winning Class C with another superb 38 points. Well done to all the winners.
Full results as follows — Class A 1st: Maureen Sheridan (15) 38, 2nd: Jennifer Holland (11) 36; Class B 1st: Bernie Prendergast (26) 36, 2nd: Mairead Ahern (25) 34, 3rd: Joan Sexton (27) 33; Class C 1st: Mary Thornton (34) 38, 2nd: Nuala Henry (33) 36/22, 3rd: Joan Smith (29) 36/17; Nine Hole Competition 1st: Anna McKenna (19) 13; Two’s Competition — 5th: Pauline Campbell, 13th: Mary Berrills and Ann Hopper, 17th: Marie Strain. 129 ladies played. CSS: Saturday 73, Tuesday 75.
Ardee Golf Club
Results of the Two Person Team Scramble held on April 14th — 1st: Ben Phipps and Ronan Phipps 59.8, 2nd: Conor Farrelly and Stephen Hughes 61, 3rd: Rob Edwards and Declan Kenny 63.
Results of the Paddy Kerley Memorial, sponsored by Deeside Supplies on April 16th — 1st: Gerard Monaghan Jnr 44, 2nd: Gus Kelly 42, 3rd: Ross Gaynor 41 (on back six), Gross: Gerard Caffrey 33.
Results of the Ladies Competition, sponsored by Topaz Oil on April 12th — Class A 1st: Sheila Roche 38, 2nd: Linda Shannon 36 (on back nine); Class B 1st: Noleen Cunningham 42, 2nd: Allison Gough 39; Class C 1st: Angela Finnegan 38 (on back nine), 2nd: Alice Hennessy 38.

Nuremore Golf Club
The Easter competition was played over three days and one would expect that the scoring would reflect the numbers but 38 points won for the first time in 2017.
Alan Birdy has been a ‘new name’ on the block for the past six or seven years. Alan is blessed with a powerful swing and a terrific will to win but unfortunately for him he does not get out on the course often enough and so he remains off 12.
Alan knows in his heart and soul that he could could walk rings around a lot of the lower handicappers. His attitude is that, while he loves golf, there are an awful lot of greater priorities in his life just now.
When he gets the time to devote to his pastime then no doubt he will make a fabulous mark. On Sunday morning he had eight nice pars and a birdie but two double bogeys meant he had a decent, if not spectacular, 38 points.
Right on Alan’s coattail was a golfer who is proving to be the steadiest of the lot this year, Damien Kerley.
One thing you can be sure of if you are playing with Damien is that nothing is ever the same from hole to hole. In his constant pursuit of perfection Damien is all experiments.
I remember playing with him years ago in Blacklion when on the ninth hole he asked would he fade or draw the ball. When I asked him why not try to hit it straight he replied that there was no crack in that so I did not offer my twopence halfpenny worth thereafter. Once again Damien’s ever-changing game paid dividends as he was second with 37 points.
In third place was Paul O’Donoghue also with 37 points. After winning the Captain’s Prize last year Paul faded from the scene for a while but I noticed that he is finding his feet again and a liking the podium.
For a long while ‘eagles’ were a rarity around Nuremore. Two weeks ago two were spotted and on Tuesday evening there was one on the 17th hole.
Captain, Shane Cassidy was one down in a four ball when he took a blind pitch on the 17th hole. Lo and behold, to the absolute disgust of his opponents, the ball found it’s way to the bottom of the cup for a fabulous two and a succession of high fives from Shane and his partner!