GOLF | Campbell makes light of the weather to win Lady Captain’s Prize at Dundalk Golf Club

Overall winner Gerry Campbell pictured with Lady Captain Maeve Ahern. PICTURE: BRIAN HOPPER

Lady Captain Maeve Ahern’s Prize to the Men took place at Dundalk Golf Club on Sunday with the gale force wind and the occasional torrential downpours making for testing conditions for the 180 players and the CSS of 73 reflected the difficulty.

With a noon tee-off time, Gerry Campbell was one of those who experienced the worst of the weather but it proved to be no deterrent as the 27 handicapper claimed overall victory with a nett 65 after making good use of his shots.

The key to his victory were the par threes which he covered in level par after birdieing the fifth, parring nine and 17 and bogeying 13. He also parred the par four 14th which was playing long into a gale force wind with the flag in a tricky position at the back of the green.

Campbell won by four shots from Danny Gallagher (69) who took second on countback from Pat Curran (13) and JP Gilbourne (11). Curran had the consolation of taking the Veteran’s Prize while Gilbourne won Category One.

Noel Reid (16) won Category Two while Maeve’s husband Dermot (21) and brother-in-law Tim (27) finished first and second in Category Three after both shot 71s. Terry Conlon (6) with a 76 had the best Gross while James Reilly (28) with a 69 won the Juvenile Prize.

Results of Lady Captain Maeve Ahern’s Prize to Men

1st: Gerry Campbell (27) 65; 2nd: Danny Gallagher (13) 69/32.5/10.83; Gross: Terry Conlon (6) 76; Veteran: Pat Curran (13) 69; Category One 0–12 1st: JP Gilbourne (11) 69; 2nd: Austin Shaw (9) 70/33.5; Category Two (13–18) 1st: Noel Reid (16) 71/36; 2nd: Richard Copas (18) 71; Category Three (19–28) 1st: Dermot Ahern (21) 71/36.5/21; 2nd: Tim Ahern (27) 71; Juvenile: James Reilly (28) 69; CSS: 73.

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