Winners of the Dundalk Ladies Golfer of the Year competition. Back L-R: Briege Renaghan, Joan McKenna, Pauline Campbell. Front L-R: Jennifer Holland, Nora Byrne, Lady Captain Maeve Ahern, Katherina Conneally Sloan

GOLF | Betty gets Dundalk Ladies Winter League off to a bang with superb showing

In-form Elizabeth McGuinness wins Halloween Hamper

The Dundalk Ladies Winter League nine-hole stableford competition began on Saturday, October 28th and on Tuesday, October 31st.

The scoring was fantastic with Betty Rogers winning Class A with a superb score of 21 points. Judy McDonough also recorded 21 points to win Class B. Class C was won by Maura Shelly with a very good score of 18 points.

We will be watching the teams at the top of the leader board as the competition progresses.

Dundalk Ladies Winter League | Round One Results

Class A 1st: Betty Rogers (12) 21, 2nd: Olivia Cunningham (12) 20, 3rd: Theresa Connolly (17) 19/16; Class B 1st: Judy McDonough (25) 21, 2nd: Mary A McDonnell (25) 18/7, 3rd: Anne Murray (21) 18/4; Class C 1st: Maura Shelley (36) 18/7; 2nd: Grainne Mullins (36) 18/6; 3rd: Oonagh Quinn (33) 18/5; Two’s: Siobhan Rogers 5th; Olivia Cunningham, Theresa Connolly, Una Kelly and Diane Arthur 9th.

Left: Bernie McCabe with Lady Captain Maeve Ahern wins the Clarke Salver. Right: Violet McGeady being presented with the Club Cup by Lady Captain Maeve Ahern
Left: Rawson Cup winner Marie MacKell receives the trophy from Lady Captain Maeve Ahern. Right: Jacinta Foran wins the Lait Cup with Lady Captain Maeve Ahern

Halloween Hamper

Meanwhile, the Halloween Hamper 18-hole singles stableford competition was played on Tuesday, October 24th.

The conditions were difficult with all the recent rain but this did not deter some ladies from playing great golf.

Elizabeth McGuinness is back on form and won Class A. It is great to see Elizabeth playing such good golf again. Olive Jones who has also played some great golf this season won Class B.

Halloween Hamper winners at Dundalk Ladies. Back L-R: Nuala Henry, Olive Jones,Elizabeth McGuinness, Grainne Mullins. Front L-R: Una Kelly,Lady Captain Maeve Ahern, Nora Byrne, Catherine MacGuinness
Mary McDonnell and Mary Dooley, winners of the Foursomes Competition at Dundalk Ladies pictured with Lady Captain Maeve Ahern
Left: Mary Burlingham receives the Tempest Dish from Lady Captain Maeve Ahern. Right: Winners of the Halloween Three Lady Rumble at Dundalk Ladies. Back L-R: Geraldine McGeough, Olive Lowth. Front L-R: Lady Captain Maeve Ahern, Jennifer Holland

Grainne Mullins is a young lady to watch next year. She has great talent and everybody was delighted to see her win Class C. At the final presentation evening of the season, Lady Captain Maeve was complimented on her great year and how hard she worked.

Maeve spoke about how much she enjoyed her year and how fast it went. She has been a great ambassador for Dundalk Golf Club.

Halloween Hamper Competition Results

Class A 1st: Elizabeth McGuinness (19) 34, 2nd: Una Kelly (14) 34, 3rd: Mags Coburn (19) 32; Class B 1st: Olive Jones (22) 33,
2nd: Nora Byrne (24) 32, 3rd: Catherine MacGuinness (23) 32; Class C 1st: Grainne Mullins (36) 34, 2nd: Joan McKenna (31) 31, 3rd: Nuala Henry (33) 31; Nine-Hole Competition 1st: Joan McAdam (36) 13; Twos: Mary Cumiskey, Denise Morrison, Olive Jones, Una Kelly, Anne Murray 5th; Nuala Henry, Olive Jones, Una Kelly 9th; Mary Smyth 17th; Non Qualifying Competition, 70 ladies played.

Before you go…

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