GOLF | Ballymascanlon | Classified results

Results of the Open Singles, held on July 3rd — Men’s 1st: Andy Hill, 2nd: David McComish; Ladies 1st: Ruth Watt, 2nd: Liz Carson.

Results of the Open Singles, held on July 10th — Men’s 1st: Ciaran Crozier 39 (count back), 2nd: Mickey Markey 39.

Results of the Open Singles, held on July 17th — Men’s 1st: Barry Mackin 45, 2nd: Eugene Donaldson 43; Ladies 1st: Mary Mooney 44, 2nd: Josie Malone 35.

Results of the Open Singles, held on July 24th — Men’s 1st: Paddy McGivern 38, 2nd: Alan Nelson 36; Ladies 1st: Mary Kirk 39, 2nd: Rose O’Reilly 33.

Results of the Open Singles, held on August 8th — Men’s 1st: Kieran Crozier 44, 2nd: Joe Wright 41.

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