GAA | This weekend’s results

Division One, Two, Three and Special Hurling League

Division One

Sean O’Mahonys 1–10 Dundalk Gaels 0–4
Dreadnots 1–13 Clan na nGael 2–10
Kilkerley Emmets 2–13 Newtown Blues 1–13
Cooley Kickhams 3–14 St Mary’s 3–10
Naomh Mairtin 1–19 St Patrick’s 3–9
Geraldines 1–10 Mattock Rangers 2–9

Division Two

St Bride’s 0–8 St Joseph’s 1–7
O’Connells 2–15 St Fechins 3–19
Glen Emmets 1–9 Naomh Fionnbarra 2–9
O`Raghallaigh’s 0–7 Hunterstown Rovers 2–13
Dundalk Young Irelands 0–13 Oliver Plunketts 1–15

Division Three

Glyde Rangers 4–7 Roche Emmets 3–10
Dowdallshill 1–10 Westerns 0–13
St Kevins 3–16 John Mitchels 1–13
Sean McDermotts 0–11 Naomh Malachi 1–9

Special Hurling League

Mattock Rangers 2–3 St Fechin’s 0–19
Pearse Óg 1–7 Naomh Moninne 3–15

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