GAA | Louth U16s enjoy trip to West Kerry

The Louth U16 panel which made the trip to west Kerry

The Louth U16 squad travelled to West Kerry on Saturday morning to spend the weekend in the picturesque village of Annascaul.

The 37-strong panel, under the management of Tom Rooney, Malcolm McDonnell, Sean Hand, Noel Litchfield and Hugh Lyons, were well prepared for the challenges ahead.

On Saturday afternoon, they played a very strong North Kerry team in Austin Stack Park in Tralee. Louth were slow to start but gradually worked their way back into the game and lost out in the end.

The squad then headed across town to the Keirns O’Rahilly’s club, home of players such as Tommy Walsh and current Kerry stars David Moran and Barry John Keane, to take on their U18 team. Playing some excellent football, the Louth boys lost out in the end by two points.

It was back to base in Annascaul to prepare for day two and a meeting with the West Kerry U16 team which is backboned by players from Pobalscoil Corta Duibhne. the All Ireland Post Primary A champions. The game was played in An Gaeltacht GAA Club, Gallarus, West Kerry, home of the O’Se brothers.

Louth started well with two early goals but in a 15-minute spell the Kerry boys kicked 2–8 without reply and at one stage West Kerry were ahead by 15 points.

In an outstanding second half, Louth closed the margin to two and missed an excellent goal chance to take the lead as West Kerry held on for the win.

The Louth management will be very happy with the second half display and the locals were really impressed with the Louth performance.

Following the game, the team and management headed to Paudi O’Se’s for a special presentation with the West Kerry GAA Board.

On Monday, Louth finished off a great weekend with a fine 2–14 to 1–11 win over Limerick at Mick Neville Park in Rathkeale.

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