GAA | Local club fixtures
Full round of fixtures in round three of the league

Friday, April 28th — 7.15pm
Division One League
Naomh Mairtin v Mattock Rangers, Ref: John Murphy
Cooley Kickhams v Clan Na Gael, Ref: David Fedigan
St Marys v Dundalk Gaels, Ref: Liam O’Brien
Sean O’Mahonys v St Patrick’s, Ref: Stephen Murphy
Geraldines v Kilkerley Emmets, Ref: Desmond McDonald
Dreadnots v Newtown Blues, 8pm, Ref: Kevin Carroll
Division Two League
Glen Emmets v St Mochtas, Ref: John Crawley
O’Connell’s v Hunterstown Rovers, Ref: Colin Halligan
Dundalk YI v Naomh Fionnbarra, Ref: Barry Byrne
O’Raghallaigh’s v St Joseph’s, Ref: Peter Hoey
Na Piarsaigh v St Brides, Ref: Paul Finnegan Sr
St Fechins v Oliver Plunketts, Ref: Jonathan Conlon
Division Three League
St Kevins v Dowdallshill, Ref: Finton Levins
Lannleire v Roche Emmets, Ref: Thomas Brennan
Glyde Rangers v Westerns, Ref: Declan Dunne
U18 Division One
Naomh Mairtin v St Mary’s, 7pm, Ref: Kevin Brady