GAA | Dundalk Gaels GFC Club Notes
Club gearing up for Saturday’s walk across the mountains

It’s all systems go for this Saturday’s walk over part of the Cooley Mountains.
Upwards on 100 club members and friends head out from The Lumpers, Ravensdale, at 1.30pm following in the footsteps of the county’s best-known hurler, Cuchulainn. They’ll be covering a 10k course, and the walk is expected to take around three hours.
Refreshments will be available for children at The Lumpers, and there’ll be a get-together later in the evening at Kennedy’s, on the Carrick Road.
Anyone anxious to take part and who has not yet signed up can come along to the starting-point at around 1 o’clock.
Votes of sympathy were passed at a recent committee meeting with the families of Helen Kenny and Willie Duffy. Mrs Kenny was wife of former club and Co Board chairman, Paddy Kenny, and Willie, originally from Vincent Avenue, played underage football with the club.