GAA | Brides move top of Division Two after seeing off the Fechin’s

Division Two League | St Brides 1–11 St Fechin’s 2–5

St Brides leapfrogged Naomh Fionnbarra, albeit on score difference, at the summit of Division Two with this well-earned win on Tuesday night at Pairc an Chuinnigh.

The victory was the Reds’ sixth league win in a row after their loss on the opening day of the season to St Joseph’s.

The Brides started the better and led by four points at the break, 2–5 to 1–4, the goals coming from Ciaran Deane and talisman, Kevin Hearty.

St Fechins could only manage 1–1 in the second half and it wasn’t enough as St Brides had already done the hard work earlier in the game and held out to win by five points.

ST BRIDES: Darren Breen; Ronan Bailey, Cillian Kirk, Padraic Mackin; Michael Keane, Andrew Smyth, Conor Deane (0–1); Mark Hoey, Alan Dunne (0–1); Sean Brennan, Aaron Hoey (0–2), Shane Devin (0–2); Ciaran Deane (1–0), Patrick Reilly, Kevin Hearty (1–4). Subs: Stephen Kettle for M Keane, Gareth Hall for C Kirk, Cathal McKenna for S Brennan.

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