GAA | Ben hits a brace as O’Mahony’s have too much for Mattock Rangers

Division One League | Sean O’Mahony’s 3–10 Mattock 2–6

The Sean O’Mahony’s had seven points to spare against Mattock Rangers after a hard fought encounter on Friday night that saw both teams end with 14 men.

Conor Crawley got the ball rolling early on with a typical goal, getting on the end of high ball from Stephen Kilcoyne and flicking it into the net.

The men from Collon responded with a nice point from play before Ben McLaughlin shook the onion bag once again after a fantastic move.

It started with Ronan Byrne winning a tackle in front of his own goal and getting the ball out to Johnny Connolly on the half back line.

He fed a great ball into Kilcoyne on halfway who spun his man and latched onto the ball before taking off like a hare towards goal. Despite being fouled, he offloaded the ball to McLaughlin who rifled the ball to the corner of the net.

Stephen Fisher then caught a Rangers kick out before finding Connolly who steadied himself before slotting the ball between the posts from the right. Minutes later, Conor Finnegan kicked the first of his six points, an almost identical point from nearly the same patch of grass.

Mattock, however, sprung to life and kicked two goals through Micheal McKeown and Hugh Donnelly and two points in a five-minute burst to take a one point lead before Conor Finnegan pointed a free equalise.

Finnegan then launched a missile into the square from wide on the right and when Crawley knocked the ball down, McLaughlin was left with the simplest of tap-ins for his third goal in a week. Kilcoyne followed that up with his first point of the night to leave four points between the sides at half time.

The second half was a more physical affair with Conor Finnegan slotting the first three points off the ground before landing a long range effort from play.

Mattock responded by kicking three points from play but Kilcoyne completed the scoring on the night, first with a superb free from the right hand touchline before clipping a neat point with his right foot after cutting through the heart of the Mattock defence with an incisive run.

SEAN O’MAHONY’S: Sean Quigley, Michael Clarke, Ronan Byrne, Chris O’Neill, Jonathan Connolly (0–1), John O’Brien, Pat O’Brien, Conor Martin, Shane Brennan, Conor Finnegan (0–6, 4f), Ben McLaughlin (2–0), Stephen Fisher, Stephen Kilcoyne (0–3, 1 f), Conor Crawley (1–0), Vinny Smith. Subs: Barry Macken, Davy Dowling, Colin Finan.

Success for the U11s

On Saturday last, the club’s U11s traveled to Dublin to play in a Leinster tournament featuring sides from Dublin and a few surrounding counties.

They played against four other teams in Group B and won all four games by at least double scores, which is some feat.

In the final, the O’Mahony’s came out on top with another fantastic performance, notching up 5–6 and only conceding three points. Well done to all involved.

Golf Classic

The annual Sean O’Mahony’s Golf Classic takes place on Friday, July 28th. Please book your tee-off time with Jane on 0862785786.

Cul Camps

This is the first year that the club will hold a Cul Camp on the Point Road from July 24th-28th from 10am-2.30pm each day. Kellogg’s GAA Cúl Camps provide football for boys and girls between the ages of 6–13. For more information, visit

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