FOOTBALL | New coaching programme for children to be launched next month

Football Foundation designed to teach kids the basics of the game

A new football coaching program designed for five-to seven-year-olds will begin at DkIT Sport next month.

Run by local coaches, Cormac Woods and David Casey, Foundation Football is designed to teach children the basics in football development with an emphasis on balance, coordination and technique.

Places, which are limited to 25 per session, are available in the following age groups at the times below.

2012 (aged five): 11am-12pm
2011 (aged six): 12pm-1pm
2010 (aged seven): 1pm-2pm

Foundation Football begins on Saturday, October 7th and will run for 11 weeks. The cost per session is €6 with discounts available for term-time payments.

For more information, or to book your child’s place on the program, contact David Casey or Cormac Woods on 0852537186.

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