Double gold for Eadaoin at Kickboxing Ireland Championships

Haggardstown girl will represent Ireland in Macedonia

Eadaoin McCrave (second from the left) pictured on the podium with her gold medal at the Kickboxing Ireland Championships

Reigning world champion kickboxer Eadaoin McCrave took double gold in the Kickboxing Ireland Championships at the Citywest Hotel in Dublin.

Haggardstown girl Eadaoin, who won the world light contact title last year, backed that up with a brace of victories this weekend, winning the light contact and points fighting division.

As a result, she will now go on to represent Ireland in Skopje, Macedonia this September in the European Championships.

Next up for Eadaoin is a trip to Budapest in May to fight at one of the four World Cup events. She will be looking to produce a similar display to last year where she picked up gold and silver medals.

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