DARTS | Top quality darts on show at last week’s doubles competition

Gerard McKeown and Alan Reenan of Uncle Tom’s celebrating their Division One Doubles win with Micheal Breen and Kevin Soraghan

The Dundalk and District Dart League doubles competition took place last Thursday night with nearly 140 players across three divisions in action.

The standard of darts across the three divisions has been of a very high standard all season and that was also the case last week.

In Division Two, played upstairs in the spacious venue of Eoin’s Bar, Finbarr Kelly and Paul Kelly beat the pairing of Armando Baltazar and Kieran McCrave.

Finbarr and Paul Kelly, Division Two Doubles champions

Both teams threw well all night but it was the Kelly brothers — who helped their Bodhran Blues team into the Divisional Cup Final — who showed no let up in their current form to come out on top.

In the Premier Division, played in the Commercial Club, it was The Bodhran pairing of Ray Harte and QE Martin who played the Windmill pairing of Chris Lennon and Niall McQuillan in the final.

All four players have been throwing superb darts all season and they took their great form into the doubles event. However, it was QE Martin and Ray Harte who ran out deserved winners on the night.

In Division One, a very high level of darts were thrown all night in the Stag’s Head.

Ray Harte and QE Martin pictured with the Dundalk and District Dart League Premier Doubles title

Right from the start it was hard to choose a winner with a lot of teams from various league sides quietly confident of going well on the night.

When things got down to the business end of things it was the experienced pairing of Alan Reenan and Gerard McKeown from Uncle Tom’s who played young guns, Cian Roddy and Mark Connolly from Johnny Mason’s.

The final started off well with both sides throwing well to leave it 3–3 going into the final game.

The decider was reminiscent of four heavyweight boxers slugging it out but the experienced pairing of Alan and Gerard won a titanic battle.

It won’t be long before these players face one another again as Uncle Tom’s face Johnny Mason’s in a few weeks in the Divisional Cup final.

The finals of the Dundalk and District Darts League singles competition will take place in The Windmill this evening.

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