CYCLING | Jimmy’s Jenkinstown training pays off as he tops the podium in Galway

Cuchulainn Cycling Club’s Jimmy Flynn (centre) pictured with his gold medal

Cuchulainn Cycling Club continued its recent run of good form at National Championship events by improving upon the two national silver medals from a fortnight ago by securing a first gold of the season.

Sunday last, October 1st, saw the country’s cycling community descend upon Castledaly in Co Galway for the National Hill Climb Championships.

The climb used for the event was locally know as The Scalp, a 2km climb with an average gradient of 6%, but with stretches at 19%.

Local stalwart of cycling, Jimmy Flynn, claimed gold in the Masters 60 category, beating off Sean Hargan of Belfast (2nd) and Cork’s Tom Daly (3rd).

Jimmy is no stranger to claiming national medals, however, this is the first time he has topped the podium.

Having targeted this event from the start of the season, Flynn specifically used the climb at Jenkinstown to hone his form.

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