Cobra Kan duo celebrate success at Irish Open

Cobra Kan’s winning duo, Liam McCabe and Meadhbh Duffy, show off their prizes from the Irish Open

Students from local martial arts club Cobra Kan made the short journey to the CityWest Hotel in Dublin to attend the Irish Open recently.

Ranked as one of the biggest tournaments in the world, people travel from all over the globe annually to attend the tournament.

Cobra Kan students Liam McCabe and Meadhbh Duffy both performed brilliantly at the event, fighting their way to a place on the podium.

Competing in the U8 male peewee section, Liam had 64 people in his division but managed to fight off as many as he could before bowing out in the semi-final with a third placed finish.

Meadbh was in action in the 30-strong U8 female peewee section where she came up against much taller and experienced opposition. However, she also put on an outstanding display, showing great heart and spirit to win the first place trophy.

Other Cobra Kan students that attended the Irish Open were Rachel Ruth, Lisa McCabe, Dominykas Svedas and Tiernan Weldon who were narrowly beaten in their respective sections.

After putting so much effort and dedication into their training, each Cobra Kan student knows that a loss on the mats means nothing more than a lesson learned and every one of the students are now back at training working on what they learned.

Each club member who competed at the Irish Open came home with a sense of pride for even stepping on the mats at one of the most prestigious tournaments in the world.

Cobra Kan came home with the highest ranking result of all the clubs in Dundalk, along with lots of new ideas to work on at training.

The club train in St Gerard’s Hall on Monday and Fridays from 6–7pm. For more information, contact the club’s Facebook page.

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