ATHLETICS | Glenmore AC athletes acquit themselves well at Mountpleasant Race

Glenmore AC’s juvenile athletes pictured at the Mountpleasant AC Road Races on Easter Monday

It was a busy bank holiday Easter Monday for Glenmore AC’s juvenile who turned out in force for the Mountpleasant Road Races at the Sportsman’s.

First up was the girls U10 600m race where Jessica White led her team home by taking fifth place, followed by Emma McCarragher, Katie McDonald, Minna Lennon, Aine Reilly and Ella Connolly.

Craig Tuohy was the club’s first boy home in the same event with Elliot Nichols, Cian Magee and Josh McAteer coming in hot on his heels.

In the girls U12 800m, Lucy White took fourth place with Chloe McCarragher, Sarah Mallon, Ellen Callan and Aoife Magee following in a fast paced race. In the boys event, Fionn Reilly, Sean Holland and Aaron Hanratty competed strongly.

Lisa Conlon and Ava Brady ran well in the girls U14 1200m event, finishing in fourth and seventh place respectively.

The juvenile events finished with the U8 race where Zoe White, Gillian Touhy and Adam McAteer all stormed home to claim medals for the club.

Meanwhile, in the senior 5km event, Tadhg Leahy led the Glenmore AC contingent coming home, followed by Gavin White, Katie Mallon (3rd junior lady) and Lee Nichols.

All are now motivated towards the Glenmore AC Challenge which takes place on June 10th. Please see for further details and registration link.

The pre Louth Championships takes place in the Lourdes Stadium, Drogheda next weekend when the outdoor track and field season kicks off. Juvenile training continues on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Bush Track.

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